Wellness with Sheridan can help you change your life

After overcoming a decade of illness, Sheridan Leigh was inspired to use what she had learned to help others.After overcoming a decade of illness, Sheridan Leigh was inspired to use what she had learned to help others.
After overcoming a decade of illness, Sheridan Leigh was inspired to use what she had learned to help others. | Other 3rd Party
Sheridan Leigh spent more than a decade in an out of hospital, hooked up to machines and almost lost her life.

Her organs were failing, doctors were baffled and all that medics could point to was a blood infection.

Desperate to find answers and with a gut instinct that told her something was wrong Sheridan was finally told she had parasites in her liver which was the root cause of all her problems.

This experience, and her quest to stay well during her darkest moments, has given Sheridan the drive to help others and try to prevent anyone ever suffering the way she has. And that’s through Wellness with Sheridan, a natural, non invasive way to help improve your energy, maintain it and improve your overall wellbeing.

Sheridan ensures that each client gets the treatment that is perfect for themSheridan ensures that each client gets the treatment that is perfect for them
Sheridan ensures that each client gets the treatment that is perfect for them | Other 3rd Party

She said: “It’s through my own journey that I’ve studied alongside those who helped me when I was so unwell.

“I’ve learned about what I’m doing now and I want to pass on that passion to stay well to others too.

“I don’t make medical claims. I am not a doctor but I can tell people how to rebalance their lives and investigate what might be the source of some of their problems.”

Sheridan is a trained holistic therapist and through her clinic offers vitology, a high-tech lifestyle and fitness assessment that provides clients with a picture of their strengths and weaknesses.

The clinic offers vitology, a high-tech lifestyle and fitness assessment that provides clients with a picture of their strengths and weaknesses.The clinic offers vitology, a high-tech lifestyle and fitness assessment that provides clients with a picture of their strengths and weaknesses.
The clinic offers vitology, a high-tech lifestyle and fitness assessment that provides clients with a picture of their strengths and weaknesses. | Other 3rd Party

Sheridan said: “From glucose levels, to blood pressure, urine and stress I can start to build a full picture of where the client is and why they might be feeling the way they are.

“I offer natural remedies and dietary challenges to help them find, sustain and maintain their energy. Our modern lives can easily make us forget about our health and wellbeing. I can help clients get the focus back on that.”

And clients certainly speak highly of the service. One, Rosie, said things changed for the better after a consultation: “I am calmer, I no longer crave naps, my brain fog is improving. This is thanks to seeing Sheridan. I was apprehensive at first but seeing how she had helped my good friend so much I decided to book an appointment and even dragged my husband along. Sheridan gently uncovered that I and my husband had lots of imbalances and needed to make some changes.

“So here we are, two months later and we both feel that we are dramatically improving. Some of the differences are astonishing , my husband used to feel stressed most days but he feels a lot calmer now. Some of the issues Sheridan advises will take longer to heal but that’s OK as we know we are on the path to wellness.”

Rachel Wiliams is another happy customer: “How I feel is transformational I have boundless energy, I have a contrast feeling of get up go and the weightloss I’ve had hasn’t gone a miss either!”

Sheridan wants to optimize energy levels, providing fitness assessments showcasing strengths and weaknesses for the client and provides a lifestyle assessments to achieve goals. She also works to build a rapport very quickly with clients and offers dozens of tests to make sure she can paint a full picture.

She said: “I know how important my wellbeing was to me when I was so sick. I can empathise with those who are experiencing difficulties and I want to help them get back on track.

“Whether it’s weight loss or just monitoring energy levels my consultations are tailored to the individual and can last up to two hours.

“There’s also follow up with the client to make sure they feel they are fully supported.”

To find out more visit the website.