Retired Leeds pharmacist died from coronavirus after Caribbean cruise

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Tributes have been paid to a retired Leeds pharmacist and popular Rotarian  after his death from coronavirus.

Bruce Hammond, who ran pharmacies on Victoria Road and Otley Road in Guiseley, died from coronavirus on April 6 aged 89.

Mr Hammond and his wife Angela were both admitted to hospital suffering from Covid-19 on returning home after a Caribbean cruise.

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Mr Hammond, who was a father and a grandfather, was a member of the Rotary Club of Aireborough and a former club president.

Retired Leeds pharmacist and popular rotarian  Bruce Hammond, who has died aged 89 after being diagnosed with coronavirus.Retired Leeds pharmacist and popular rotarian  Bruce Hammond, who has died aged 89 after being diagnosed with coronavirus.
Retired Leeds pharmacist and popular rotarian Bruce Hammond, who has died aged 89 after being diagnosed with coronavirus. | other

Robert Mirfield, of the Rotary Club of Aireborough, said: "Bruce and Angela had difficulty in being able to leave a cruise ship early, not succeeding until docking in Cuba.

"On returning home Angela went into hospital with Covid-19, recovered and came home. Bruce followed her into hospital, was able to be visited by a now immune Angela but did not survive. He will be very sadly missed by us all."

Mr Mirfield added: " He served on and contributed to the club’s International Committee. He was ever supportive but always prepared to rein in members ready to overspend on budgets or debate the merits of a cause.

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"In meetings his humour was dry and carefully enunciated. He loved to seek clarification from speakers on some point they had mentioned, normally wittily.

"He organised two ebay auctions with Angela, the first for Inner Wheel which he always supported. They did everything including acting as the base on the day taking pictures of lots and packaging and posting items sold.

"People remember Gerald Long becoming very animated in front of the screen as bids came in especially for a Leeds United European Cup Winners’ Cup programme donated by Bill Hudson selling eventually for £240."

Current Rotary District Governor Manoj Joshi, said: ‘I am shocked to receive the distressing news of Rotarian Bruce Hammond’s untimely death.

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"My condolences to President Janet Appleton and club members as I do share in their grief and mourn the loss of a thorough gentleman and a compassionate Rotarian."

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