Forklift worker from Pontefract sexually assaulted woman as she slept

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A forklift worker with a low IQ has been spared jail after he admitted from the start that he sexually assaulted a woman while she slept.

Michael James Doy, who is 22 but has a mental age of 15 or 16-year-old, was told several times by the snoozing female to stop, but he continued to touch her and she woke to find his hand in her underwear, Leeds Crown Court heard.

He later apologised for his actions and expressed remorse, prosecutor Adam Walker told the court.

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The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, eventually confessed to a family member and the police were called.

Doy was later interviewed by police and made full admissions. He admitted assault by penetration.

A victim statement was read to the court on behalf of the victim by Mr Walker. She said: “I can’t live like I used to live, I’m on edge a lot. I do not sleep properly and when I do I have nightmares and dream about it happening again.

Doy appeared at Leeds Crown Court this week. (pic by National World)Doy appeared at Leeds Crown Court this week. (pic by National World)
Doy appeared at Leeds Crown Court this week. (pic by National World) | National World

“I have stopped going out because I feel like somebody is going to hurt me in some way.

“I feel like I have had had everything taken away from me.”

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The court heard that a doctor had deemed Doy, who now lives on Sudforth Lane, Selby, to be “just above borderline intellectual functioning”.

He has also ADHD, lacks emotional maturity and “misses cues”, his defence barrister Graham Parkin said.

Mr Parkin said: “He is clearly aware and is remorseful for the impact on the victim. Immediately upon being interviewed he made admissions, there was no prevarication.”

He said Doy had no previous convictions and expressed remorse long before the police’s involvement.

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Judge Anesh Pema concluded that Doy’s remorse was genuine and took into consideration his developmental issues.

He gave him a 16-month jail sentence, suspended for 24 months, ordered him to enrol on a 43-day sex offender programme, 55 rehabilitation days and 275 hours of unpaid work.

He was also put on the sex offender register for 10 years and told to pay £1,000 court costs.

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