Leeds pervert who sexually assaulted teenage girl bought her a sex toy for Christmas

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A pervert who made unwelcome sexual comments towards a teenage girl touched and kissed her, then bought her a sex toy for Christmas that he had gift wrapped.

Neville Tinker was found guilty after a trial at Leeds Crown Court of four counts of sexual assault. The 62-year-old was jailed this week after details of his bizarre behaviour came to light.

It was heard that Tinker would ask the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, questions about her sex life “from the outset”, the court heard.

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Neville Tinker targeted the teenage girl and even bought her a sex toy for Christmas, wrapping it up for her. (pics by WYP / PA)Neville Tinker targeted the teenage girl and even bought her a sex toy for Christmas, wrapping it up for her. (pics by WYP / PA)
Neville Tinker targeted the teenage girl and even bought her a sex toy for Christmas, wrapping it up for her. (pics by WYP / PA) | WYP / PA

He asked her about sex and made suggestions about sexual positions she should try. Judge Ray Singh told Tinker: “It made her feel uncomfortable and she made it clear she did not wish to pursue such conversations.

“You would show her images of sex toys and suggested that she and her boyfriend use them.”

Then at Christmas he bought her the sex toy with attachments and gift wrapped it. The court heard that he would take photos of her and made comments about her underwear.

He encouraged her to sit on his knee, would stroke her bottom and kissed her. When she once mentioned she had a bad back, he told her to lay on the floor. He then unclipped her bra and rubbed her back.

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Tinker denied any wrongdoing but was found guilty by the jury after a trial lasting more than a week.

In a victim impact statement, read out by prosecutor Nick Adlington, the victim said she had been left “emotionally broken” and continues to struggle with “overwhelming” panic and anxiety.

Tinker, of Leeds, has no previous convictions. Judge Singh jailed him for 33 months.

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He told him: “You said you had no sexual interest in her. I’m afraid that is wholly untruthful.

“You still can’t bring yourself to accept your sexual behaviour and deviancy towards her. You have accepted little responsibility.

He said that a probation report into Tinker suggests he continues to be “wholly dismissive” that his actions towards the girl were “sexually motivated”.

Judge Singh continued: “You are victim blaming and I simply do not understand how you find yourself at this late stage to be of that view.”

He was given a sexual harm prevention order (SHPO) and a restraining order to keep him sway from the victim for life.

This article was updated on June 18.

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