Man's Market: Watch moment thieves use hammer to smash into Leeds Chinese restaurant in shocking footage

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Footage has been shared of a break-in at a Leeds restaurants amid a spree of similar incidents across the city centre.

Man’s Market on West Point was targeted by thieves in the early hours of Sunday morning (June 16) who used a hammer to break the glass door and ransack the restaurant.

It follows similar break-ins over the last two weeks at other establishments in the vicinity including Green Room, Shokupan and Nosh.

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The above footage shows the moment that the thieves smashed the glass door and searched their way through the business.

Man's Market in West Point was broken into at around 4am on Sunday, June 16.Man's Market in West Point was broken into at around 4am on Sunday, June 16.
Man's Market in West Point was broken into at around 4am on Sunday, June 16. | Man's Market

Operations manager Simon Robinson said that it happened at “around 4am” and he was called by the cleaners at 5.30am.

He said: “I was down there at 6 o’clock clearing up all of the glass ready for Father’s Day. Fortunately we were able to stay open as it was a busy one.

“The footage shows two people doing it. One of them clearly knows what they’re doing and the other just seemed to be grabbing at things not worth any money.”

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The thieves made off with an iPad, an ordering system, bottles of alcohol and the restaurant’s “lucky cat mascot”.

The glass door of Man's Market was the most costly loss, the operations manager saidThe glass door of Man's Market was the most costly loss, the operations manager said
The glass door of Man's Market was the most costly loss, the operations manager said | Man's Market

Mr Robinson said that the most costly loss was the glass door though, saying: “It’s really frustrating as it was a big six foot laminated door. We had to get it done immediately.”

On the spate of burglaries at bars and restaurants in the area he said: “I don’t understand why they’re doing it as no one pays with cash anymore. Even if they get into the safe it’s hardly worth it.”

The police statement said: “At 6.07am on Sunday, police received a report of a burglary at Mans Market restaurant in West Point, Leeds. 

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“At about 4am, two suspects smashed the glass door to gain access and stole a quantity of spirits and an iPad.”

Chief Inspector Pete Hall, who heads Neighbourhood Policing for Leeds District, also issued a statement saying that police were aware of the spate of burglaries in the area. He said that they “appear to follow a similar pattern with the offenders targeting premises in the early hours, smashing glass to enter and taking what items of value are to hand”.

He said: “Officers are currently pursuing a number of specific lines of enquiry to identify those responsible.

“We will be continuing to mount increased patrols of the affected areas to deter any further offences and to reassure businesses, and we are working with crime prevention officers to offer advice on the most effective measures businesses can consider.

“We would also ask that anyone who witnesses any related suspicious activity in the area or elsewhere in the city centre contacts the police immediately so we can respond accordingly.”